Parents are the first educators of their children. Research shows that children are more likely to succeed in school if parents or caregivers take an active part in their education. It makes sense to help your child do well at school. Most parents want to get more involved in their child’s education, but may not be sure how to begin. A great starting point is sharing a positive attitude about school with your child.
A positive attitude about school is an important attitude you can foster in your child.
Be careful not to pass on negative attitudes about school that may be a part of your own past experience Without realizing it, you could transfer negative attitude by recalling bad memories from your own school days. Giving children the idea that numeracy is too difficult, that teachers are unfair, or that homework isn’t important will discourage them from doing well. Instead, talk about your friends from school, your favourite teachers or your best subject.
Talk to your child about what they are learning at school.
From the moment they start , it is important to ask children about what they are doing at school. Ask open-ended questions about their class work —questions that can’t be answered with a “yes” or ‘no.” Share any knowledge you have and encourage them to further research or improve their learning. Find out about their Red Lines Of Learning and personal targets . Encourage your child to persevere towards achieving their goals.
Help your child get organized to do homework.
Establish a homework routine. Provide a time and space where your child can study. If your child does not understand their homework after you have talked it through, leave your child to try their best even if they get it wrong. This will provide their teacher with valuable information about your child’s understanding and a sign that work concepts need re visiting. Set a time limit as directed by your child’s teacher and work to this time.
Help your child do research projects by visiting the library.
Help your child succeed at school—work with the teacher to foster a thirst for knowledge. It is very important to be a good role model for your child. Listen to them reading every day if possible and discuss the content. This is especially important for Key Stage 2 children, who need to master comprehension. Let your child see that reading is part of everyday life at home as well as at school. Let your child see that you are a regular reader yourself and a member of the library.
Helping Your Child Succeed at School
Share your ideas about the importance of education with your child. Talk about what your child is learning today and how that knowledge might be used in the future. Encourage you child to be aspirational. Begin to talk about possible education goals for your child. Talk about going to university and the careers that you find interesting, or people you have met that seemed to enjoy their work. Let your child know that they have many educational possibilities.