Year 1 Red lines of learning

In year one, children should be using fluently the skills from previous years while mastering those shown below at home and school. 

R.E. Physical/ handwrite Read Write Maths Science
Can recite individually the ‘Our Father’ Controlled cutting; cursive script Use initial and first part of extended code to read and spell Spell 100 key words; simple sentences Know all number facts + and – within 20 Accurately describe observations


Year 1 Modules











Design & Technology


Art & Design




Module 1

Explore families.

Explore special people.

Explore holidays & Holydays

Sit correctly at table, holding pencil comfortably and correctly.

Begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place… to form sentences including common exception words.

Form digits 0-9.

Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’ and practise these.

Count to and across 10, and then 20 beginning 0 or 1, or from any given number.

Recognise and name common 2D & 3D shapes, including rectangles; squares; circles; triangles; cuboids; cubes; pyramids; spheres.

Count to and across 100 forwards and backwards.

Observe Summer and describe associated weather and day length . . . through autumn and winter observing how day length varies . . . into Spring to observe changes across the four seasons.

Rules and why they are needed and why different rules are needed for different situations.

Healthy families love, care and protect one another.

Recognise what makes people special.

Name happy and sad times in life.


Observe daily weather patterns.

Identify seasonal change from daily weather patterns.


Acquire a broad range of subject knowledge drawing on disciplines such as science by exploring knowing the time.

Use technology purposefully to organise digital content.


Use sculpture.



Module 2

Reveal about the love and care shown in families, and about God’s love and care for every family.

Reveal that there are special people in our lives that are there to help; on Sundays in church, people have special jobs, as they gather to celebrate the good news of Jesus.

Reveal holidays as days to be happy; Pentecost is a holy day for Christians, as the feast of the Holy Spirit.

Becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories & traditional tales, retelling them & considering their characteristics.

Understand the books they listen to.

Discussing the significance of the title & events. Recognising & joining in with predictable phrases.

Speak audibly.

Name the letters of the alphabet in order.

Separation of words with spaces.

Spell days of the week.

Use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary.

Read & write numbers from 1-20 in numerals and words.

Estimate, identify & represent numbers using concrete objects and pictorial representation…including the number line, & language of: equal to; more than; less than (fewer); most least.

Recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months, years.

Observing closely.

Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.

Care in family-life.

Know how and when to seek support including which adults to speak with, in and outside of school, if they are worried about anything.

To know that I am special.

The roles different people - acquaintances, friends and relatives - play in our lives.

Recognise the ways in which we are all unique.

Everyone has different strengths.

Changes within living memory.

Recognise short timescales.

Frame historically valid questions.



Enhance locational awareness.

Recognise landmarks.

Locate hot and cold weather of the world.



Introduce French pronunciation of numbers 1-10.

Listen to known story in French.

Work in a range of relevant contexts e.g., gardens and playgrounds.

Critique, evaluate and test ideas.

Work in a range of relevant contexts e.g., home.

Acquire a broad range of subject knowledge drawing on disciplines such as history by making and using a candle clock.


Use technology purposefully to create, store and retrieve digital content. (MUSIC)

Use drawing to develop line…develop and share their ideas.

Use technology appropriately.

Develop simple tactics for defending

Module 3

Respond in love to the varying forms of family.

Respond to the special people we know.

Respond to the feast of the Holy Spirit.

Form capital letters.

Use capital letters and full stops to demarcate sentences.

How words can combine to make sentences.

Add suffixes -ing and -ed.



Given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less.

Read & write numbers to 100 in numerals.

Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.

Name, draw and label the main parts of the human body.

Identify deciduous and evergreen trees.

Identify a variety of everyday materials (plastic, glass, water and rock).

Appreciate different forms of family structure, and that families of all types give family members love, security and stability.

People who keep us safe.

Keeping our selves safe at home, in unfamiliar environments and with medicines.

Introduce equality.

Understand key events.

Develop awareness of past, using common words and phrases relating to the passage of time.

Understand methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used to make historical claims.

Name the four nations of the UK.

Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of school and its grounds.

Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways including through numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.


Explore and evaluate a range of existing products.

Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.

Real-life example of algorithm.



Compose music with others.

Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Develop simple tactics for attacking.

Module 4

Explore belonging.

Explore meals.

Explore being sorry.

Capital letters for names and the personal pronoun ‘I’, noting singular and plural.

Add suffixes -s and -es.

Joining words and joining sentences using and.

Read, write & interpret mathematical statements involving +, -, = signs.

Identify and name a variety of common wild plants.

People can belong to different groups.

The difference between needs and wants, so you may not always be able to have what you want.

Know that how I act has consequences that affect others both positively and negatively.

Be friendly and can make friends.


Know people and events fit within a chronological framework.

Achievements and follies of mankind.


Using aerial photographs to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical feature.

Locate forest, hill, sea, river, valley, vegetation, city, town, village, factory, farm, house, port, harbour.

Collect, analyse, and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork.

Deepen understanding of geographical processes.

Introduce colours in French.

Introduce animal names in French.

Build a repertoire of knowledge.

Understand where food comes from.

Create and debug simple programs.



Master the basic movement of jumping.

Module 5

Reveal about belonging to different groups; that Christian Baptism is an invitation to belong to God’s family.

Reveal families and groups share special meals; Catholic Mass as Jesus’ special meal.

Reveal we have choice and sometimes we choose well, but sometimes wrongly; God can help Christians to choose well and to be sorry. God forgives all.

Say out loud what they are going to write about.

Compose a sentence orally before writing.

Introduce question marks & exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.

Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Read words with contractions, e.g. I’m, I’ll, we’ll and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter(s).

Represent and use number bonds & related subtraction facts within 20.

Add & subtract 1-digit & 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero.

Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representation and missing numbers.

Identify and classify.

Identify and name a variety of common animals including birds and mammals.

Identify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Ask simple questions.

Identify and name a variety of everyday materials.

Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials (wood).

Explore magnets and magnetic materials.

Belonging to the Church family and knowing Jesus cares for all.

How permission is sought and granted, physically and online.

That friendships have ups and downs and to learn strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile differences positively and safely.

Understand that we all have different feelings, good and bad.

The need to say: I’m sorry.

Understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past.

Significant historical events (transport), places and people (George Stephenson) from own locality (Stockton to Darlington railway).

Look at lives of individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.


Name capitals of the four nations of the UK.

Use and construct basic symbols in a key.


Learn how to cook and know that it is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordable and well, now and in later life.

Use technology purposefully to create digital content.

Develop techniques in using shape.


Use a range of materials…Use painting.

Play untuned instruments.

Engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities against others (Tag-rugby).

Module 6

Respond to Christian Baptism.

Respond to Catholic Mass as a special meal.

Respond to forgiveness.

Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them.

Checking that the text makes sense to them as they read & correcting inaccurate reading.

Use text to answer literal questions.

Give well structured descriptions.

Drawing on what they already know or on background information & vocab provided by the teacher.

Discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils.

Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

Apply phonic knowledge & skills as the route to decode words.

Discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known.

Add suffixes: er, and est

Repeated addition (multiplying); repeated subtraction (dividing) … using arrays (concrete and pictorial representation) … to solve one-step problems.

Count in multiples including 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Identify and name a variety of common reptiles.

Name carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Recognise what others might be feeling and when it is appropriate to seek forgiveness.

Use a wide range of historical terms e.g. sources.

Ask and answer questions from stories and sources.

Locate the countries, cities and surrounding seas of the UK in relation to Hartlepool.

Identify basic key physical features/ characteristics of the UK.


Generate ideas through talking and drawing.




Develop technique in using form.

Mixing primary colours to create secondary ones: mixing with black and white to create tones.



Module 7

Explore waiting

Explore change

Explore neighbours

Look at special stories in Judaism and Islam

Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own  experience.

Create a phrase to accompany image/idea.

Recognise & know the value of different denominations or coins & notes.

Solve one-step (money) problems that involve addition, using concrete objects & pictorial representation.

Identify and name a variety of common amphibians.

Basic rules to keep safe online and importance of telling a trusted adult if they come across something that scares them.

What money is and the form it comes in.

Growing and changing with age.



Introduce vocabulary of size in French.

Design purposeful, functional products for themselves and other users based on design criteria.

Select from and use a wide range of ingredients.

Evaluate ideas and products against design criteria.

Use technology safely and respectfully.

Develop techniques in using colour.




Master the basic movements of throwing and catching.

Module 8

Reveal about times when it is necessary to wait and the use of that time; that Advent is a time of waiting, for Christians, to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas

Reveal that we change and grow; Lent is a time to change for Christians, in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

Reveal neighbours are all around; everyone is our neighbour and is loved by God

Discover Abraham & Moses as leaders of the Jewish people.

Discover Muhammad

Making inferences on the basis of what is being said & done.

Participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns & listening to what others say.

Listening to & discussing a wide range of poems, stories & non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently.

Learning to appreciate rhymes & poems, and to recite some by heart.

Recognise, find & name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.

Recognise, find & name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.

Describe position, directions & movement, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns.

Measure & begin to record lengths & heights; mass/weight; capacity & volume.

Identify and name a variety of garden plants.

Identify and name a variety of common fish.

Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

Identify and label the basic parts of the human body, including genitalia.

Say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Compare and name a variety of everyday materials including wood.

How to listen to other people and play and work cooperatively.

Know that babies change and grow in the womb.

Name main parts of human body, including genitalia, recognising that parts of the body covered by underwear are private.

Why sleep is important and different ways to rest and relax.

Simple hygiene routines that stop germs spreading.

Looking after the environment.

Identify the needs of other living things.

Reveal aspects of change in national life.

Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.

Comparing exploration to discover America with discoveries in space.

Use atlases to identify the UK and its countries.

Use aerial photographs to identify beach and coast.

Use subject specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills.

Introduce vocabulary of body parts in French.

Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks e.g., joining.

Learn to cook.

Instil a love of cooking in pupils that will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity.

Understand what algorithms are.

Appreciate the work of a range of artists making links to their own work.

Develop and share imagination.

En plein colour sketching of real experience of sun-set and sunrise (sleepover).

Use voices expressively and creatively by singing sings.

Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music.

Develop balance and apply in a range of activities.

Module 9

Respond to waiting.

Respond to Lent as a time for change.

Respond to: Who is my neighbour?

Respect how God led the Jewish people.

Respect that Muhammad is important for Muslim people.

Sequencing sentences to form short narratives. Participate in performances.

Sequence events in chronological order using language (e.g. before, after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening).

Tell the time to the hour & half past the hour & draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

Identify the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants.

Describe the structure of common flowering plants including trees.

Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets).

Group materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

How to talk about and share their opinions on things that matter to them.

How to manage when finding things difficult.


Devise a simple map.




Produce creative work.

Gallery art work.