We intend that all children attain above their expected trajectory; ‘thrown above’ their peers, a drift back to expected attainment for disadvantaged children would still mean they achieve well and are not further disadvantaged in education. This reflects one of the foundational principles at St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School: equity. We have learnt that if practice is developed to ‘get it right’ for the most vulnerable: in learning for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities; in care for looked after children; and, in enrichment for children with limited cultural experiences, then our practice is well-suited to support children eligible for pupil premium. Therefore, the practice and programmes we have developed addresses the needs we have identified rather than any ‘label’ that has been attached to them. We find that children attracting pupil premium fall into all the different groups we consider in school and as with all children, it is important to develop an individualised and personal programme, rather than follow a prescribed route. Thus, using their pupil premium entitlement, we are able to ensure the child has swift and easy access to whichever programmes may be supportive. We also find that children entitled to pupil premium make more use of some elements of school life – maybe those ones they are not finding elsewhere – both valuing them more and accruing greater benefit than other children in the setting. In care: In learning: In enrichment: We find that a large proportion of Parent Support Advisor (PSA) time is devoted to parents of children attracting pupil premium. The benefit for parents seems to be that not only is the initial reason for accessing the service resolved, but also, more importantly, the resulting relationship, similar to extended family, provides a shoulder to lean-on or even just a listening ear, for the future. For some parents it is comparable to having access to a ‘life-coach’ – maybe a role grandmothers used to play in the community. Thus, for us equity does not mean that everyone is treated the same. Following Jesus, describing the pay received by the workers in the vineyard, for us equity means that everyone receives what they need rather than what they deserve. Thus, funding follows need.

Pupil Premium

Updated: 18/12/2024 47 KB