Equality and Information Objectives

Updated: 02/10/2024 299 KB

The Equality Act 2010, requires us to publish:

1.  How we are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty

In the exercise of our functions, we have due regard to the need to

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct (namely a breach of an equality clause or rule or a non-discrimination rule) that is prohibited by or under this Act;
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
    • remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;
    • take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it;
    • encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
    • tackle prejudice, and
    • promote understanding.

The steps involved in meeting the needs of disabled persons that are different from the needs of persons who are not disabled include, in particular, steps to take account of disabled persons’ disabilities.

Compliance with the duties in this section may involve treating some persons more favourably than others; but that is not to be taken as permitting conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by or under this Act.

The relevant protected characteristics are—

  • age;
  • disability;
  • gender reassignment;
  • pregnancy and maternity;
  • race;
  • religion or belief;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation.

As a school with a religious character, namely a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided character, certain Schedule 18 exemptions apply to the religion or belief provisions which allow us to discriminate because of religion or belief in relation to admissions and in access to any benefit, facility or service. Namely, we give priority in admission when oversubscribed within the scope of the exemption, which can be seen in our admissions policy for school.

2. Our School’s Equality Objectives

Desired outcome Reason for choice of issue Chosen action / approach Staff lead When will you review implementation?
To eliminate discrimination, we intend to encourage mutual respect so all recognise no one’s rights are more important. Recognising that in child-development, we all grow from ‘me to we’, children need to be guided towards ‘reflective selflessness’, where connection is found within the diversity of community. i). Make explicit in the EYFS Curriculum opportunities that challenge children to think beyond themselves to consider the impact of their actions upon others and the world.
ii). Develop opportunities where children recognise and form connection with others in and beyond the setting.
EYL i). EYFS curriculum to be uncovered in continuous provision from September 2022.
ii). Opportunities for links with others, including schools internationally, to be explored and formed during 2022-2023 academic year.
To advance equality of opportunity, we intend to make every possible reasonable adjustment so children with SEND belong at our school. Parents sometimes seem concerned that we ‘expect too much’ in learning, of their child with SEND and don’t ‘do enough’ for the child. SEND offer to accompany our school offer that is used to have difficult conversations with parents as their child starts school or as the SEND is identified. SENco The SEND offer to be finalised by Summer 2023, for piloting during the 2023-2024 academic year to be reviewed by Governors in Summer 2024 and ratified for use from September 2024.
To foster good relations, we aim to avoid demands in school that identify or highlight the affluence of families. With a very diverse catchment, we are aware that some children realise their families’ comparative wealth and other their comparative poverty. i). In all school expectation, policies and activities the financial demands both direct and indirect placed upon families will be assessed and negated.
ii). Invite a diverse group of individuals, such as refugees, previously homeless, the elderly, who would be willing to share their experiences of ‘poverty’ in its various forms, both material and social.
UYL i). In the 3-year cycle of policy review to undertake a financial assessment of each, completed by September 2025.
ii). The difficulty will be identifying people able to share their experiences with children, so this will be reviewed with each visitor to consider impact as and when they are identified and deployed.