St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School offers services to the community, and through our Tees Valley Teaching School Hub we support the continuing professional development of teachers and leaders in schools and colleges, across our local area and beyond. We welcome learners from nought to ninety and beyond through early education, nursery, school, family learning & support and adult education. We offer opportunities for learners out-of-school-hours and beyond school day as extended provision: We care for children from birth to 11+ from 7.45 a.m. to 5.45 p.m. for 50 weeks of the year; and, offer services into the evening and at weekends.
We recognise God’s presence in the children and families of our community. Thus as a community we live out our mission . . .
“Come As You Are and Grow With Us”
We believe that God is everywhere and that there is no distinction between the sacred and the ordinary. Because of this we recognise God’s presence among us in all areas of life. We believe that all learning and teaching is sacred, which leads to our aims . . .
To encourage all to care for their health, enabling our community to enjoy a healthy future.
To enrich the steps of all who enter; the words of all who teach; the thoughts of all who learn; the hearts of all who care.
To hold the families of our community in a spirit of faith, hope and love offering opportunities for all to achieve their full potential serving one another.
To make a positive contribution socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually to the well-being of all.
To recognise the unique gifts and talents of each person so that the learning and family support that is begun here prospers in the heart of our community.
We stand on the shore of a great ocean and we all must prepare to ‘put out into the deep’. The learning we need for this voyage is vast. Indeed the magnitude of the task threatens to confound us, but we hear again the words of Jesus: Do not be afraid.