Dear Parents & Carers,

As we approach the end of another academic year, we said goodbye to our Year 6 on Friday and they are spending this week at English Martyrs in preparation for September. We are delighted with the success they have achieved in SATs, where everyone gave of their best and achieved remarkable results. However, for me, their greatest achievement was the resilience they have shown in transition to secondary and their fantastic end-of-primary celebrations – The Three Pigs Performance as well as their ‘Personality’ Collective Worship - showing their very best and we have great expectations for each of them.

In our school the children spend today in their new classrooms and have a chance to think about their successes and where they want to go next with their learning. They set themselves targets and hear about the curriculum they will be following over the next academic year. It is an exciting time and all the children seem to have enjoyed their day.

Deployment of Teachers

Your children have been preparing for September with their teachers today. However, I’m sure you will be interested to know the arrangements. As you know we have a number of teachers who work part of the week and so over this next year:

  • Nursery - Mrs. Henry
  • Reception - Mrs. Dixon
  • Year 1 - Mrs. Lupton & Miss McMorris
  • Year 2 - Miss McMorris & Mr. Stamford
  • Year 3 - Mr. Stamford & Mrs Wright
  • Year 4 - Miss Clark & Mrs Marshall
  • Year 5 - Mrs. Brookbanks & Miss Clark
  • Year 6 - Mrs Marshall & Mr. Boagey

Miss Crowe will continue to work with children and classes across the setting.

Finals Afternoon & Family at School Picnic

This year Sports Afternoons have been disrupted by the weather with only a couple going ahead as planned. We are hoping to re-arrange Wednesday as a ‘heats and finals’ afternoon for those class who have not managed to complete heats yet and then for all finals. We hope this will go ahead taking place on Wednesday, 17th July, from 1.30 pm.

Our traditional Summer picnic will be on Thursday, 18th July. We hope, again weather permitting, to be able to share this on the school field, but have arrangements in place for inclement weather. Remember to prepare a picnic packed-lunch for your children, or if you need to access one prepared by the school kitchen, please let us know. (Some parents have already informed us – thank you!)


As we turn our thoughts to the new academic year, please be conscious of our uniform requirements: our uniform is grey for trousers, skirts, shorts, pinafores etc. (NOT black or navy); white or jade for shirts, polo shirts etc; and, navy for jumpers, sweatshirts, cardigans and coats. Please note all children in school need two pairs of footwear: indoor footwear can be shoes or slippers, but not training shoes or slipper socks; outdoor shoes can be trainers or shoes for use at breaktimes. PE uniform consists of a T-shirt in a given house colour, with navy shorts and, for outdoor sessions, navy tracksuit. Please note that NO jewellery is allowed as part of our uniform policy. Piercings of any kind, including ear-rings must be removed before coming into school. (If you would like your child to have pierced ears, knowing that it takes 6 weeks before they can be removed, this Friday would be an ideal opportunity. However, please remember they cannot be worn in holiday care.) Also, please be aware that no branded items are necessary – plain shirts, jumpers and coats are the norm. Parents wanting to have clothing with a school ‘logo’ are advised to limit the number of these to reduce costs.

Payment System

Our payment system is ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS) for anyone paying for school meals, Out of School Hours Care (including Breakfast and After School Care as well as Holiday Care), residential visits etc. If you have any difficulties with the systems, please contact reception.

Our patronal feast for St. John Vianney takes place during the Summer break on Sunday 4th August and is a time to especially celebrate our learning and worshipping communities. As ever, please remember in your prayers the children and families of our setting and all the staff that support them throughout the year.

I am sure everyone is hoping for some better weather during the Summer Holiday and I hope everyone has time to enjoy being together with family and friends. Please continue to hold the children, families and staff of our school community in your prayers. I look forward to welcoming all the children back on Tuesday 3rd September.

Yours sincerely,

John Hardy

Head Teacher