Dear Parents & Carers,

A group of our children are representing the children of Hartlepool at the Commonwealth Day Celebration on Monday, and then planting a tree in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday. And, in school we have lots happening before Easter, including Year 1’s sleep-over next week, so I thought it might be useful to gather some of the highlights in one letter.

Preparation for Industrial action: Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March

I expect our school to be affected by the planned industrial action by members of the NEU, and so once again I am asking parents to be prepared for disruption. It will probably be a very similar pattern to last time. Therefore, I anticipate on Wednesday and Thursday, the following arrangements:

  • Daycare and Nursery will be unaffected
  • Year 1 and Year 6 will be unaffected
  • Reception, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 will have attendance restricted to children eligible for Free School Meals and children of key workers (namely those working in NHS, public services and transport). We will expect all eligible children, including those of key workers, listed last time. Parents only need to contact, if they think their children may be eligible to attend but did not confirm a place last time.

I will confirm the final arrangements on Tuesday 14th March but let’s hope that negotiations bring about a resolution over the weekend.

Parent – Teacher Consultation

Almost everyone has attended Parent-Teacher consultations, but if you still need to re-arrange, please get in touch, as soon as possible. In the case of Year 5, parents will be receiving their invite next week so that they can be completed before Easter. Please continue to keep Mr. Watson and all our teachers in your prayers.

Lenten Day of Prayer, Almsgiving & Fasting: Friday 24th March

A group of children in school have come together from Years 4, 5 and 6 to form ‘The Companions’ and are working to be positive agents of change in our school – our aim for this year. They think it would be good for all of us in school to share a day during Lent when we can focus on the three penitential themes of Lent: Prayer, Almsgiving and Fasting. So, on Friday 24th March, they are planning perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as a focus for prayer; asking for donations on that day to support Cafod, as part of the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for the Earthquake victims and survivors in Turkey and Syria; and, on that Friday, inviting anyone who wants to fast from Year 3 to Year 6 (they don’t think the younger children should fast, as they need lots of energy just to get through the day!) to have only a Lenten lunch of ‘Soup & a Roll’. If children normally have a school lunch that day, can you let us know if they are taking part in the fast, so we won’t prepare the meal.

Easter Egg Raffle

As you know, unusually for us, school is closed during Holy Week this year, with our holidays matching our Trust, taking two weeks holiday at Easter and only one at the May break. However, we are still going to have our traditional Easter Egg Raffle, which our children both love (if they win an Egg) and hate (if, like me, they never win!). The money raised by this raffle, which is the most important part, supports the work of St Cuthberts Care, an organisation that provides services for many of the most vulnerable groups of people across the North East.

Stations of the Cross

Every Lent, our usual Liturgical Prayer is given over to our ‘Families at School’ led by their ‘hoofies’, preparing new interpretations of the traditional Stations of the Cross. This year they are creating their own ‘Stations’ based on Matthew’s Passion. We will be using these as our Liturgical Prayer each morning – reflecting upon three each day – during the last week of term: 27th – 31st March at 9.00 am each morning Monday to Thursday and 9.30 (after Y5’s Collective Worship) on Friday. All are welcome to join us on the Way of the Cross, each morning, either in person or through Teams (link will be available through Tapestry/text from 24th March)

I hope the recent cold weather has not caused you too many problems, but please remember we have set aside our Training Room each afternoon as a, so called, ‘Warm Space’. All are welcome to drop-in or spend the afternoon – we can offer tea and coffee as well as a warm room. If you know of people, especially older relatives and friends, who might benefit, please make them aware or maybe bring them along.

Yours sincerely,

John Hardy

Head Teacher